Tuesday, January 02, 2007

View slideshow


IMG_7101.JPG, originally uploaded by thewelshman.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The skeleton of the new bathroom

IMG_3351.JPG, originally uploaded by thewelshman.

Here is a pic of the new bathroom that is under development. Hopefully will be finished in a couple of weeks and i will be tracking progress daily and probably blogging it, cause i can:)


Today we went out and bought more things for the house refurb. You know it seems as though every thing we do these days is related to the refurb, but i guess it will all be worth it when it finishes.

I start a new job on Monday, it is in the same company, and is somewhat a change in direction to my previous roles, but a step in a good direction i think. I am a bit nervous about it at the moment, as it seems that I am not going to get time to ease myself into it, as a member of my new team will be on holiday my first week, and i will have to look after their area with no real previous knowledge. The team is great, so hopefully they will be able to help me out a bit. Its strange joining a team where i have no experience in the area, its really the first time this has happened since getting my first job out of uni, but i guess it is time for a fresh challenge and i will give it my all.

Officially the first day of spring tmrw, lets just hope that it brings warmer weather, as it has been freezing recently. Must remember to put my clocks forward an hour before going to bed.

Well tmrw i hope to start running outdoors again. I ran the British 10k last year, and what to do it again this year, hopefully my old boss will run it with me this year, he said he wouldn`t mind. I guess it would be nice to have someone to train with and compare progress.

Time for bed anyhow.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hello boyo!

Well first blog entry and just wanted to set this up to see how it works !